
Love, Acceptance and Appreciation for Yourself Although it's not always the case, I believe that most of our parents were doing the best they could with the understanding and resources they possessed. Yet, for many of us, our most basic needs for love, acceptance, acknowledgment and appreciation went unmet. Additionally, a significant number of us were subjected to some combination of verbal, emotional, physical, or [...]

By |2024-03-29T22:38:17-04:00March 29, 2024|0 Comments

Acknowledge, Validate, Digest and Move Forward The other day, I had an unsettling conversation with a long-time business mentor. I will, at times, use my personal experience as an example for the benefit of others. As you read this article, I encourage you to reflect on how the example I'm sharing applies to your own life. If you happen to be a content creator, influencer [...]

By |2024-01-17T02:08:09-05:00January 17, 2024|0 Comments
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