personal growth

Cultivating Brain Health and Optimal Functioning After Antidepressants and Other Psychotropic Medications     Disclaimer: I am not a licensed psychiatrist, physician, or healthcare provider. The information in this article is based on my personal experience, observations, and insights gained through my work with individuals over the years. It is not intended to replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you are currently taking antidepressants or other psychotropic medications, or [...]

By |2025-01-18T00:56:48-05:00January 18, 2025|0 Comments

Showing Up More Fully Present   People often talk about being fully present. Although it sounds like a nice idea, no one is ever fully present because presence occurs in degrees. What I do on a daily basis—and encourage others to do in their own lives—is make a concerted effort to become more mindful, catching themselves when they’re either checking out or not being [...]

By |2025-01-02T02:39:08-05:00January 2, 2025|0 Comments

Finding Closure: Healing the Heart After Ghosting, Flaking, and Other Crazy-Making Relational Drama A friend of mine recently experienced what felt like the beginning of a real connection with a woman. She was sending him flurries of text messages, and they had started spending time together. There was a sense of closeness—a feeling that something meaningful might be developing between them. Then, out of nowhere, she sent him a strange message: "I [...]

By |2024-10-30T01:31:24-04:00October 29, 2024|0 Comments

True Intimacy Begins with Yourself   Mattia was involved with a woman of Russian descent from the Donbas, the Russian-occupied region of eastern Ukraine, whom he described as highly narcissistic. However, based on the account he shared with me about his ex-girlfriend and their interactions, she sounds more like a sociopath. She actually supports the occupying Russian forces—the same forces responsible for raping, torturing, and [...]

By |2024-10-23T01:27:58-04:00October 21, 2024|0 Comments

Why You Need to Be Doing Sensory-Deprivation Flotation Sessions   For years, I’d heard about the transformative experiences people had in sensory deprivation flotation tanks, but I hadn’t tried it myself until 2023, when my friend Bruce turned me on to a session. My first experience at Go With the Float in East Hampton, Massachusetts, was both enjoyable and slightly challenging. The tension in my body and initial [...]

By |2024-10-02T00:28:58-04:00October 2, 2024|0 Comments
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