
How Chemistry Gets Confused with Compatibility The term 'chemistry' is often associated with intense feelings of infatuation or obsession in romantic relationships. However, it's crucial to understand that this concept extends beyond the realm of romance. We experience some form of chemistry in our interactions with everyone we meet, whether in friendships, brief encounters, or other contexts. Our experience of chemistry with individuals is akin [...]

By |2024-01-27T19:02:25-05:00January 27, 2024|0 Comments

Caught In the Web of Digital Addiction

One of my business mentors encouraged me to write an article about what our addiction to digital candy is costing our love lives. As I delved deeper into the subject, I began to see more and more examples of how our use of smartphones, social media, and other digital technologies are impacting our relationships with ourselves and other people. Within [...]

By |2023-06-13T15:33:41-04:00March 30, 2023|0 Comments

The Biochemistry of Love, Lust, Attachment and Loss

Our experience of love and loss is multifaceted and influenced by various components that shape our emotions and behaviors. Understanding the complex interplay of these factors can help us to gain insight into our emotional experiences, recognize patterns in our relationships, and work towards personal growth and healing. As social beings, we have an innate drive to form attachments and [...]

By |2023-06-13T15:35:22-04:00March 20, 2023|0 Comments
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