
Focus for Healing and Growth in a Hyper-Connected World This article is another edition of a series on "Why Most People Don't Heal... and How You Can Be One of the Exceptional Few Who Do. When I first traveled to Boston in 1994, a friend scheduled a radio interview for me, followed by a workshop at a nearby bookstore. As the interview aired, the phone at the Boston [...]

By |2024-01-10T04:12:36-05:00January 10, 2024|0 Comments

Engaging Your Mind’s Creative Problem-Solving Capabilities

We have grown up in a culture that has in many ways taught us to disconnect from our feelings, physical bodies and the unpleasant realities of our daily lives. This has inadvertently caused us to lose touch with our intuitive senses. Many of us have learned to overcompensate for the resulting deficits by relying primarily upon the linear left brain [...]

By |2023-06-13T15:35:53-04:00July 8, 2020|0 Comments
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